
Andrew Wolfe

Using Agile? Using Github? Need a Burn Chart?

June 28, 2013

I've been writing about how my team is using Github issues, and now milestones, to handle our Agile process. Burn charts have been sort of an issue for us. So I build something to handle it ... USING GH-PAGES.

Part 3 - Second Project using Agile - Using Github Issues with Agile, Ahhh Milestones

June 28, 2013

Well, my team may finally be doing everything in one place. Using Github and Github Issues we have a workflow to handle our Agile process. SIMPLIFY. WITH MILESTONES.

Doing What I Can to Contribute to Project Open Data

May 21, 2013

A Quick Jekyll Framework

May 16, 2013

I've been using Jekyll a lot more frequently so it just made sense to create a quick framework to get started. Quick and straightforward.

Making Jekyll Dynamic ... Sort Of

April 26, 2013

The problem was that he wanted to do this using gh-pages. Wait, gh-pages are static. We can't make the AJAX call to another domain to even get the json. Wait, we can figure this out.

A Little Bit of Work Advice

April 25, 2013

The other day a friend posted a question to Facebook, "what career advice/knowledge do you wish you would have known as you began working?" Interesting question. Here you go.

Using Jekyll to Build a Data Visualization for the FCC

April 24, 2013

Then a day or two later I got an email from Eric. I could go copy and paste exactly what it said, but the important thing is that he was asking if I could make this work in Github, could I give it a sort of FCC-feel. Ummmm, HELL YES!

Please, Please, Please Stop Centralizing Everything

April 22, 2013

I have witnessed first hand the centralization of a process. And also witnessed first hand how miserable it failed, without the proper training and resources given to the centralization. STOP.

I Am a Web Designer / Developer, But Read the Job Description

April 22, 2013

I’ve been a web designer / developer for almost 15 years. Wow, that's a long time to have a single job title. But technology changes so much, even within a small corner of it, that the job title (or, at the very least, the description of it) changes too. SO READ THE JOB DESCRIPTION, NOT JUST THE TITLE.

Part 2 - First Project using Agile - Using Github Issues with Agile

April 22, 2013

One of those lessons I learned from my teams Agile development process is that I don't think we need Trello. I think we can accomplish everything with Github Issues and labels. SIMPLIFY. EVERYTHING IN ONE PLACE.

Part 1 - First Project using Agile - The Evolving Process

April 22, 2013

A quick look at how my small team at the FCC is beginning to use Agile methods to develop a web application; the tools, the methods, the lessons we're learning. SO FAR, SO GOOD.

It Really is the Same Everywhere

April 20, 2013

I recently bought a pop-up camper so my family (wife, 2 daughters, and dog) and I can begin to enjoy camping again. A couple of mishaps happened during the process and in conversations with the salesman I realized that we all go through the SAME THINGS.

Helping feoMike

April 20, 2013

Some really good experience gained, with design, with maps, and with github. Had a great time working on it with him. And would do it again, ANYTIME.

Is this going to happen again in a few years?

April 19, 2013

Is this going to happen again? I don't know for sure, but I do know that technology changes daily, so the odds that we'll have to re-do something in a few years are good. So, actually, my answer is a simple YES.

Re-thinking the way I build websites ... simplifying

March 15, 2013

So now I simply setup the Jekyll structure for any site and have it build as I commit. At that point I can either use Github as the host and commit content and template changes or grab the html from the _site folder and give it to a client or push it via FTP or whatever. SIMPLE.

Designing the State Sequester Project

March 05, 2013

Mike decided, with a few others, to make a point and prove that publishing and using this data could be done quickly and cheaply; actually it took roughly 24 hours (that's fast) and turned out to be COMPLETELY FREE!!! :)